
Virtual Events

Get our latest insights and content pieces to help you create better events.

Enhance Your On-Demand Experience With discoverGo

Find out how our latest features can help increase attendee engagement at your events...

5 Places You Should Never Cut Corners At Your Event

Invest in these 5 areas to make your event a success...

16 Vital KPIs To Measure Your Virtual Event Success

Learn all the metrics you can use to really measure your event's performance...


4 Time-Saving Tips For Your Next Event

Save time and boost your productivity with these 4 time-saving tips...

How to Write a Successful Event Invitation Email [+ Examples and Templates]

Get your event emails to stand out from the noise with our helpful tips...

[Internal Comms] 6 Ways to Measure the Success of Your Company's Virtual Event

Find out how you can measure the success of your internal comms events...

Why Hybrid Events Are Still Essential Post-Pandemic

Learn all the potential benefits of hosting a hybrid event...

8 Virtual Networking Event Ideas To Engage Your Attendees

Get your attendees mixing like never before...

Virtual Event Trends and Predictions for 2021

Expert predictions to help you get ahead of the curve for 2021.

Top 40 Virtual Event Tips

These tips will make sure you don't get left behind with virtual events in 2021...

5 Golden Stars

Best Virtual Events From 2020

Soak up the inspiration for planning your 2021 virtual events...

Top Tips On Effective Post-Event Follow-Up

Don't underestimate the power of effective post-event follow-up.

How To Make Your Virtual Event Stand Out

Learn how to give your virtual event that extra sparkle.

5 Ways To Squeeze More Leads Out Of Your Virtual Events

Learn how to generate more leads from your virtual events.

5 Ways To Make Your Virtual Events More Interactive

Learn how to make your next virtual event interactive.